We Are All America Webinar

Latest news | Aug 15, 2018 08:08 pm

Urgent Call to Action: Save Refugee Resettlement and #Welcome75K Refugees

An informative and action-based webinar that challenges the current political state of refugee resettlement by providing tools and resources for field mobilization and other forms of action.

Refugee resettlement in the U.S. is at dire risk. Since taking office, Trump has launched ongoing attacks on refugee resettlement, to banning refugees from many Muslim nations, to nominating the virulently anti-immigrant/refugee Ronald Mortensen to lead the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration at the State Department.

Last year, Trump set the refugee admissions goal at 45,000 – the lowest level in U.S. history. Even more upsetting is that we are on track to resettle less than half that number. Now, Trump has signaled his intention to reduce refugee admissions even further.

We are facing the largest global refugee crisis in recorded history, with more than 68.5 million people displaced from their homes, 25.4 million of whom are registered refugees. Refugee resettlement saves lives, encourages other countries to keep their doors open to people needing protection, and promotes regional stability and global security. With global need at its highest, our U.S. refugee resettlement program is being systematically dismantled. This is unconscionable.

We Are All America and our partners across the country are calling on people of goodwill to support the life-saving work of the U.S. Refugee Resettlement Program. During this webinar, you will learn about the #Welcome75K field campaign and find out what you can do NOW to take action.

Learn more about the state of play for refugee resettlement and the #Welcome75K campaign by listening to the We Are All America webinar, which aired August 15, 2018. Click here for the recording.